bursting the myths about ayurveda

Bursting the myths about Ayurveda

Ayurveda is associated with handful of myths and misconceptions. Though the treatment therapies of Ayurveda are widely sought after from around the world, people tend to have more delusions than proper awareness about this ancient treatment. As an adage goes ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing’, Ayurvedic practices with inadequate awareness may do only harm than being beneficial.

Ayurveda is a just another treatment

Ayurveda has been considered by a majority of society as a treatment method similar to allopathic or homeopathic. But, in fact, Ayurveda scripts clearly construe that it is purely a lifestyle. The entire system of Ayurveda is envisioned on the four basic pedestals of healthy eating, sound sleep and ample exercises; thus Ayurveda establish a system of sound health and curing through the right lifestyle and healthy habits.

Ayurveda is all about herbs and herbs only

Though being proclaimed as the herbal treatment practice, Ayurveda deviates, many a times, from the title of an herbal therapy. The use of milk, ghee, butter, honey, molasses, gingelly oil, rock salts, minerals, ashes and self-fermented alcohol are common in Ayurveda; also these are essential ingredients of several medicinal preparations. Ayurveda cannot be called an herbal therapy in whole, though majority of the medicines use natural ingredients.

Ayurveda – a vegetarian therapy

It is a wonder that people understand Ayurveda as a vegetarian treatment when the use of ghee, fish oil & mutton extract is common in Ayurveda. It is a fact that Ayurveda never claimed to be vegetarian stream, but somehow made people deep-rooted in this belief.


Cure happens quite slowly in Ayurveda

This is a general fallacy about Ayurveda. It is this myth that keep people away from seeking the help of Ayurveda therapies most of the times. There are fast curing medicines in Ayurveda too. The aspect of slow cure is because of the curing Principle of Ayurveda is different from allopathic or modern medicines. Modern medicines usually treat the symptoms not the disease. Ayurveda diagnosis the root causes of the disease and tries to uproot them perpetually. This curing process is time-consuming; thus the cure too.


Ayurveda medicines are harmless and thus self-prescribed

People treat Ayurveda medicines as harmless and always self determine and use the medicines. This is a wrong practice; and improper use of Ayurveda medicines can bring in serious harm. Many of the herbs used in Ayurveda contain several harmful toxins and molecules. Only the proper mixture of the right ingredients gives the medicinal effect. Just as the allopathic medicines, Ayurveda medicines also should be used with the prescription of a qualified practitioner, after the proper diagnosis of the disease.

Ayurveda means body massage

Even after the drastic increase in the number of people preferring Ayurveda treatments, people believe that Ayurveda treatment means body massages of different kinds. But, in fact, massage is nowhere explained as a treatment method in Ayurveda scriptures. It is also to be kept in mind that many of the Ayurveda massages are not suitable for many body types. Only very few ailments could be cured with proper massages.

Homemade and lack clinical testing

Ayurveda treatments are believed as ‘homemade’ practices and also the medicines are not clinically tested. This is an erroneous thought. Each medicine that is offered to public, whether allopathic or Ayurvedic, has to undergo careful laboratory tests and certification process. He practitioners have to undergo university based medical education. Ayurveda, by all means, is a scientifically proved and science backed medical stream and in tune with modern science.

Ayurveda is a side effect free treatment

There is no base to believe that Ayurveda medicines are side effect free and can be consumed in any dose and in any health condition. Ayurveda medicines can cause disturbing side effects like acidity, aches, faintness etc… if consumed without a prescription and without proper diagnosis. These medicines are to be consumed in the proper dose only to achieve desired effects. Certain food items consumed with Ayurveda medicines may provoke side effects. Practitioners often advise to consume Ayurveda drugs with milk after eating proper food.

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