NEW DELHI: Since October 2 when Swachh Bharat Mission was launched, at least 6 lakh latrines are being built every month in rural areas. The government has set the target of ending open defecation both in urban and rural areas by 2022.According to data provided by drinking water and sanitation ministry, over 31 lakh individual household latrines have been built in the past five months with 80% of these being constructed in Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Maharashtra.
Though sources said that pace of construction has improved, it is way below the target. The ministry envisages building 1.24 crore latrines annually, which translates into constructing over 10 lakh toilets every month across the states.
About Rs 1,160 crore central share has been spent as reported on online monitoring system maintained by the ministry, minister of state for drinking water and sanitation Ram Kripal Yadav submitted to Parliament last week. The Swachh Bharat Mission in rural areas also aims to take up solid and liquid waste management activities in gram panchayats.
On the other hand, there is little movement so far as building individual and community toilets in urban areas (all 4,041 statutory towns) are concerned. The urban development ministry has been mandated to monitor the scheme of building 1.04 crore individual household toilets, provide 2.5 lakh seats of community toilets, 2.6 lakh seats of public toilets and solid waste management facility for all towns.
Community toilets will be proposed in residential areas, where it is difficult to construct individual household toilets, public toilets will be constructed in designated locations such as tourist places, markets, bus stations, near railway stations and places of public recreation wherever required.
The total expected cost of the urban programm over five years is Rs 62,009 crore, out of which the proposed central assistance will be of Rs 14,623 crore.